Sales Advisor Rose Quering
After 30 years of working in-store events, you might think day-to-day interactions with customers would start to get old. But not for Rose Quering of Pittsburgh, PA, who says the key to staying motivated as a Sales Advisor is the right attitude.
“I love my job because I love people,” says Rose. “I greet everyone who comes by my cart and give them a smile. Sometimes you can just make someone’s day with a smile.”
Rose also reminds us that niceness counts when it comes to making sales. “You have to be nice and friendly to people. You have to invite them over. If you’re just standing there, most customers will just walk by.” A little friendly banter can go a long way, too. “If a customer says ‘no thanks’ at first, I’ll tell them ‘well then, you’re missing a real treat!’ and a lot of times they’ll come back,” adds Rose.
Of course, being knowledgeable about your product is important, too. “People today are very aware of the nutrition information,” Rose says. “They are interested in what is in that product. When I see something that’s low in saturated fat, sodium or sugar, I bring that out. It’s up you to know the product and study the packaging so you can inform the customer and tell them why they should be buying.”