In recent years, Halloween seems to have become the new unofficial start of the holiday season. Seven out of 10 shoppers celebrate the holiday, and between costumes, treats and home décor, the average shopper now spends $80 on Halloween goodies. With some creative thinking, Sales Advisors can take treats beyond the candy aisle and capitalize on this $8 billion market throughout the entire month of October.
Play Up Your Display
Ninety-three percent of shoppers rank visual appearance as a key factor in their purchasing decision, says analytics firm KISSmetrics. So get shoppers into the Halloween spirit by dressing up your cart with seasonal décor, such as a few pumpkins or gourds from the produce department or balloons from floral. These visual reminders will help shoppers make the association between Halloween and your product—no matter what it happens to be.
Think Outside the Candy Grab Bag
According to a study by the American Dental Association, a whopping 70 percent of parents say they would prefer their children receive non-candy treats on Halloween. You can help sell shoppers on healthy alternatives like individually-wrapped granola bars, fruit snacks, nut packs and juice boxes by sharing this fact with them. Also remind them that healthy treats are more likely to make into lunchboxes and afterschool snacks—instead of stashed in closet, only to be thrown out in a few months.
Remember Fun Snacks and Meals, Too!
In addition to Halloween treats, shoppers are also looking for fun party foods, as well as healthy meals to keep their families going on Halloween night. Get creative with the items you’re sampling. For example, suggest shoppers turn canned soup into “Eye of Newt Stew” with the addition of rinsed black olives. Or talk about baking the wild rice mix you’re sampling inside a sugar pumpkin for a healthy, all-in-one meal that’s sure to please the eyes and the taste buds. Tap into the excitement of Halloween—and watch shoppers get excited about your products!