Brett Barcelona
Brett Barcelona, President and General Manager Retail Services
Writing a New Chapter
Often times, a declaration of a fresh start at the beginning of a year can fall flat in the months to follow. We quickly become so engrossed in our work that the spirit behind a fresh start easily becomes forgotten. This year I am committed to seeing that our fresh start mentality we felt so strongly about in January continues throughout the entire year. Here are a few ways to show you how you can do the same.
Momentum: The Great Motivator
Though we are barely into the second month of the year, our teams have already won a number of new customers. We are expanding to retailers we haven’t worked with before, providing new services and stretching ourselves outside of the traditional grocery format.
What successes have your teams had this year? Momentum isn’t confined to new business; it spans across all functions. Celebrate and acknowledge those wins, big and small, with your teams and see the results multiply.
Success is Contagious
It’s easy to get stuck on negative things, but don’t let your mind stay there. Focus on any and every success, and be sure to recognize your fellow associates, within and outside of your own departments, for their contributions. If we all start to act in this way, and truly Be One, we’ll find ourselves moving in the same direction and achieving our Key Results.
Live our Cultural Beliefs
As I said in last month’s letter, our six Cultural Beliefs are the foundation to our company’s future. Know these beliefs, practice these beliefs, incorporate them into your actions every day and encourage your team and fellow associates to do the same.
To underscore the importance of these beliefs, in the coming months I will share with you why and how each belief has played an important role in our work. I encourage you to do the same and I look forward to hearing more of your success stories as we progress through the year.
Brett Barcelona
President and General Manager Retail Services