Shoppers’ expectations are on the rise, and they’re increasingly looking for retailers and brands to deliver not just a product, but also an experience. Sales Advisors help deliver on that expectation every day, but during the holiday season, there’s a lot they can do to make the shopping experience even more memorable.
Lead Sales Advisor Judy Grove recommends bringing a festive touch to every aspect of your event. “I start by decorating my cart with some of the cute holiday decorations they have in the store, like a Santa or reindeer,” she says.
Grove also brings the holiday spirit into her approach to shoppers. “Shoppers today are often in a hurry, but I still try to wave them over with a warm smile and a friendly greeting,” she says. “I find that if you’re friendly and welcoming, customers respect that and many are at least willing to stop and try what you have.”
Shoppers also appreciate ideas for using the products being sampled in their holiday celebrations. “Just the other day we were sampling frozen pineapple and I suggested using it on their holiday hams,” explains Grove. “Most people they never would have thought of that on their own. That happens a lot. Shoppers often have a hard time seeing how a product can be used other than how you’re sampling it. But when you give them different preparation ideas and cooking tips, you often end up selling a lot.”
Grove also suggests giving shoppers recipes to take home. “I always make copies of the recipes I’m using and people love it. Some tell me they have a whole book of them at home!”