The job of a Sales Advisor or Brand Ambassador is to engage consumers and educate them about a product in hopes of driving a sale. But there’s a lot more that goes into the role than simply talking with shoppers and offering them a sample. True success is built on a foundation of positive relationships with shoppers and store staff. According to Brand Ambassador Glenn Pritchard, there are three keys to developing those relationships: trust, respect and professionalism.
When it comes to engaging with shoppers, Glenn aims to build trust with shoppers by treating them like valued friends. “Communicate with shoppers like they’re your new friend and you’re letting them know about a new product, rather than trying to use a hard sell method,” he suggests.
Glenn also emphasizes the importance of respecting shoppers by being kind and honest. “A heartfelt smile does wonders to connect with shoppers, including folks who appear to be not interested,” he says. Once you have a shopper’s attention, avoid being phony or fudging facts to try to sell a product. If you don’t know the answer to a shopper’s question, be honest and try to help them find a resource that can provide the answer.
Respect and professionalism are also important for developing relationships with store personnel, says Glenn. “As Brand Ambassadors, we’re representing not only Daymon and the product, but also the retailer. So it’s valuable to have a good working relationship with store personnel. That means remembering that you’re there to help the store sell whatever product you’re demonstrating and to be professional no matter who you’re interacting with.”