Post Categories: October 2014

EMI Assists Meijer with Back-to-College Preparations A-Z

EMI Sales Advisors distributed more than 200,000 samples.

EMI Sales Advisors distributed more than 200,000 samples.

During August and September, EMI helped to facilitate Meijer’s annual Back-to-College events at more than 20 stores. The events were hosted by Meijer to give incoming college freshmen an introduction to the Meijer brand and a chance to get to know their peers in a fun environment. About 1,700 freshmen were bused in from their campuses to local Meijer stores for each event, for a total of more than 40,000 attendees. Most events featured a DJ and interactive games and contests. Sampling of food and distribution of coupons by EMI was also a big part of each event.

In addition to EMI’s in-store work, EMI warehouse coordinator James Word and other EMI staff worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure all needed supplies were sent out to the stores in time for each of the events. Warehouse preparations included:

  • receiving 26 different types of promo materials and 30,000 samples of each individual item;
  • enlisting Sales Advisors from the field to help sticker over 200,000 products with a “Free Gift Compliments of Meijer” label and repack them into cases;
  • retrieving store data and estimated attendance lists to ensure an accurate amount of product was shipped to each store;
  • adding items such as coupons, flyers, pre-packed samples and trinkets to shipments sent to the stores; and
  • coordinating pick up and shipping to each store with Meijer logistics.

Thanks to the great team effort, the Back-to-College events were a great success!
