Post Categories: September 2016

Editor’s Corner: You Don’t Always Know What You Don’t Know


We write about retail technology quite a bit here at Retail News Insider. But by no means does that mean we know and understand all the technology buzzwords. Instead, we rely heavily on research and collaboration with in-house and external experts to understand up-and-coming innovations and their impact on the retail environment.

Most people don’t have those kinds of resources at their disposal. And as a result we see a lot of misconceptions and a lack of understanding about key tech words in the retail sphere today. In this month’s Market Watch feature, we set out to clear up those misconceptions by sharing the insights and knowledge our tech experts have imparted to us over the years. We hope you’ll find this resource helpful and gain a better understanding of today’s technology lexicon as it relates to retail. I know I will be saving a copy!

As always, I hope you find this cover feature and the rest of the articles throughout the issue both informative and engaging.

All the best,

Angelica Martinez

