As you know, OTO is committed to making our company a great place to work. As part of that, we’re continually working to improve our processes. Last year, we introduced the tablets to help streamline the way event paperwork is handled. Overall, we’ve been very impressed with how quickly all of you have adopted the new technology and incorporated it into your day-to-day work. But there’s one thing that still needs a little improving: capturing clear receipt images.
In order to process event paperwork correctly, we need to have clear, well-lit photos of your receipts for event supply purchases. When photos are too dark or the items and total on the receipt aren’t fully visible, it can cause delays in the back office—and keep Sales Advisors from getting paid on time. That’s something we definitely want to avoid!
So, to help make sure everything runs smoothly—and everyone gets paid on time—please follow these helpful hints when taking receipt photos:
- Stand the receipt up and take the photo straight on. Photos taken at an angle are hard to read.
- Be sure that the receipt picture is taken in good lighting. Poor lighting results in poor, unreadable pictures.
- Make sure that all information is visible on the receipt. All purchases and the total must be visible.
Thanks for all you do.