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Knowledge Portal

The Experiential Explosion—More Companies Realizing the Return on Engagement Experiential marketing is having a moment—one that shows no signs of stopping. In a survey by Event Marketing Institute, 79 percent of Fortune 1000 brands surveyed said they planned to execute more experiential programs year over year, and budgets increased an average of 6.1 percent. That’s […]

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Meet the Expert

Getting Social Media Savvy with Alison Clancy From Facebook and Snapchat to Instagram and LinkedIn, it’s clear that social media continues to play an ever greater role in consumers’ daily lives. We sat down with Alison Clancy, Communications Manager and Interactions’ resident social media expert, to learn more about the impact of social channels—and how […]

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Trending Tastes

No Longer the Bad Boy of Foods—How Fat Is Staging a Comeback In the 1980s and 1990s, one of the hottest food claims out there was “low-fat” or “fat-free.” Fat-free “butter” spray, skim milk and low-fat snack foods were in; real butter, whole fat dairy and red meat were out. From the American Heart Association […]

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Executive Perspectives: From the President

The Importance of Investing in People Last month, I had the pleasure of leading an orientation class for a group of new hires. These associates were from all over the organization, including Interactions and all divisions of our parent company, Daymon Worldwide. Joined by my fellow leaders from our sister companies, I spent the day […]

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Editor’s Corner: The Bottom Line on the Cost of Crime

This issue marks the last installment in our three-part series on the cost of crime in retail. This month we’re tackling an age-old issue: theft of products. When you think retail theft, small-time shoplifting is probably the first thing that comes to mind. And while these petty crimes do pose a significant risk for retailers, […]

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