Post Categories: March 2013

By the Numbers – One to One Edition


The numbers are in and 2012 was an impressive year! According to One to One Interactions Business Analyst Brian Brickner, we finished the year with an average sales-per-event mark of $149. That means for every event we did, our average sales were $149. While this number falls a little short of our 2012 goal of $200 per event, we made great improvement over 2011.

Our top Sales Advisors for 2012 were:

  • Leona Vanryn, who works under Pittsburgh Area Manager Ami Eynon, with average sales of $420 per event
  • Denise Kuntz, who works under Cleveland Area Manager Pam Bojec, with average sales of $352 per event
  • Elizabeth Sandy Kremer, who works under Columbus Area Manager Wendi Stevenson, with average sales of $297 per event

Each was the recipient of a new Kindle Fire for their efforts. Congratulations and great work by everyone in 2012!

Our goal for 2013 is a familiar one… $200 per event. To help achieve that goal, remember that asking questions uncovers needs, and needs create sales. “What are you making for dinner tonight?” “What will you be serving your guests this weekend?” and “What will you be munching on during the game?” are just a few examples of easy and effective ways to ask for the sale. Nobody wants to feel the regret of being ill prepared. Needs = Sales and SALES are good! Sell, sell, sell! We’d like to see YOU win the top sales prize in 2013. Remember…we are the only voice folks hear while they’re shopping in the aisles, where BUYING decisions are made!

