Post Categories: Essentials to Engagement

Getting to Know Your Store’s Shoppers One Smile at a Time

essentialsPicSales Advisors play an important role in helping retailers develop relationships with satisfied and loyal customers. When consumers are engaged, they learn new recipes, try new products and enjoy a shopping trip that may have otherwise been a chore.

Infusing personality to your in-store demos lays the groundwork for fostering memorable experiences and gaining trust from shoppers—particularly the frequent shoppers who visit the store. Interactions follows SITGA to enable Sales Advisors to make quick, efficient and meaningful contacts that provide results.

Here’s how SITGA Works:

Smile – Look around you and smile at customers.

Invite – Be approachable. Food draws customers to your cart but a friendly person that appears inviting will make the difference from a quick hand that grabs a sample from a person who takes the time to learn more about your demo.

Talk  Let your personality shine! Talk to shoppers as if you were talking to good friends about the products. Let customers know why your sample is something they can’t go on missing.

Give  Share ample samples and give customers ideas on how they can use it.

Ask  Encourage customers to try the product at home.

As simple as it may seem, making an effort to practice these essentials to engagement consistently helps create connections with shoppers. Done right, these steps will build trust and rapport with loyal customers who see you repeatedly in the store. Customers may not always buy, but they will come away feeling valued and are likely to return the store—and your cart—in the future.
